Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2009 past paper

(21) . “K” in “Pakistan" stands for:

  1. Karachi

  2. Khyber

  3. Kashmir

  4. None of them

(22) . Jasmine is popularly known as:

  1. Motia

  2. White Rose

  3. Chambeli

  4. Pink Rose

(23) . . Chambeli is also known as:

  1. Summer Queen

  2. Summer Princess

  3. Winter Queen

  4. Queen of all seasons

(24) . Chambeli was selected as a National floral symbol in:

  1. 1961

  2. 1953

  3. 1949

  4. 1960

(25) . The historic garden Shalimar was built by Shah Jahan in

  1. 1634

  2. 1639

  3. 1642

  4. 1652

(26) . Under Indus Water Treaty the rivers given to Pakistan are

  1. Indus Jhelum & Chenab

  2. Indus and Jhelum

  3. Ravi and Beas

  4. None of these

(27) . The total length of irrigation canals in the Pslfictan ic*

  1. 62,000 km

  2. 61,000 km

  3. 54,000 km

  4. 64,000 km

(28) . The number of units does Mangla dam consist of, each having capacity of 100 MW are:

  1. 10

  2. 18

  3. 12

  4. 15

(29) . Mirani Dam is located in Balochistan in the district of:

  1. Kohlu

  2. Pasni

  3. Khuzdar

  4. Gwadar

(30) . The height of Mirani dam is:

  1. 4,350 feet

  2. 2,350 feet

  3. 3,350 feet

  4. 1,150 feet