Assistant Director FIA past paper 2020

(71) . Wealth obtained from a mine is liable to?

  1. Zakat

  2. Khumus

  3. Sulus

  4. None of these

(72) . Which one is called Masha'ar-ul-Haram?

  1. Mina Valley

  2. Muzdalifa Valley

  3. Arafat

  4. Makkah

(73) . Imam Shah took the office of "Religious Judgement" in the age of?

  1. 13 years

  2. 14 years

  3. 15 years

  4. None of these

(74) . "Kitab-al-Umm“ is written by?

  1. Abu Hanifa

  2. Imam Malik

  3. Imam Shafi

  4. None of these

(75) . The foundation of Bait Ul-Hikmah was laid down during?

  1. Ummayad Dynasty

  2. Abbasid Dynasty

  3. Fatmid Dynasty

  4. Usmania Dynasty

(76) . First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz Who was the second one?

  1. Ibn-e-Taimya

  2. Imam Ghizali

  3. Ahmad Sirhindi

  4. Shah Waliullah

(77) . In which Surat of Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain?

  1. Surah As-Saf 

  2. Al-kahaf

  3. Al Mujadala

  4. AI-Anbiyah

(78) . Sahib Us-Ser is the nickname of?

  1. Hazrat Khuzaifa R.A

  2. Hazrat Uqba R.A

  3. Hazrat Saad R.A

  4. Hazrat Khalid bin Walid

(79) . Masjid-e-Khief is located in?

  1. Muzdilifa

  2. Arafaat

  3. Minna

  4. Madina

(80) . Ada Bin Hatam Thai embraced Islam in?

  1. 6 Hijri

  2. 7 Hijri

  3. 9 Hijri

  4. None of these