Assistant Director FIA past paper 2020

(41) . Which of the following countries has no armed forces?

  1. Niger

  2. Nigeria

  3. Iceland

  4. Latvia

(42) . Which country is the world's top supplier of weapons?

  1. America

  2. Russia

  3. Israel

  4. Germany

(43) . The official languages of NATO are?

  1. English and French

  2. English and German

  3. English and Spanish

  4. English, French and German

(44) . The Headquarters of the UN Security Council is located at?

  1. Washington

  2. Paris

  3. New York

  4. None of these

(45) . Name of Bangladesh Parliament is?

  1. People National Assembly

  2. Majlis-i-Shoora

  3. Jatia Sangsad

  4. None of these

(46) . Which of the following International Organizations has no formal structure and secretariat?

  1. Green Peace

  2. D-8

  3. G-8

  4. None of these

(47) . Who was Nicolas Sarkozy?

  1. German Chancellor

  2. Canadian President

  3. French President

  4. None of these

(48) . The Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline is also known as?

  1. Friendly Pipeline

  2. Peace Pipeline

  3. Great pipeline

  4. None of these

(49) . Which is the largest country in Africa?

  1. Sudan

  2. Nigeria

  3. Libya

  4. None of these

(50) . The first earth day was observed on April 22 in the year?

  1. 1970

  2. 1975

  3. 1985

  4. 1990