Assistant Director FIA 2019 Batch 1

(1) . Choose the best correct option to complete the Sentences: He made us work?

  1. We are made to work

  2. We are said to make work

  3. We were made to work

  4. None of above

(2) . Choose the best correct option to complete the Sentences: Who painted it?

  1. By whom it was painted by

  2. Whom was it painted by

  3. It had painted by whom

  4. None of above

(3) . Choose the best correct option to complete the Sentences: We must write to him?

  1. He must be written to

  2. He is asked to write

  3. To write him is asked

  4. None of above

(4) . Tick the correct indirect He says: I shall be here?

  1. He say shall be them

  2. He says that he will be there

  3. He says he shall be there

  4. None of above

(5) . The old lady almost encountered but to everyone's surprise, she pulled through?

  1. death

  2. dead

  3. being dead

  4. None of these

(6) . Benefitted a great deal ..... taking that online training course?

  1. for

  2. from

  3. with

  4. None of these

(7) . His ..... were rejected on the ..... of the evidence and witnesses?

  1. hypothesis-basis

  2. hypothesis-bascs

  3. hypotheses-bases

  4. None of the above

(8) . ...... going to be chilly weather tomorrow as confirmed in the ..... Department's report?

  1. It-Met

  2. Its-Met

  3. It is-Met

  4. None of these

(9) . Medieval Kingdoms did not become constitutional republics overnight on the contrary the change was .....?

  1. rapid

  2. unexpected

  3. gradual

  4. None of these

(10) . I cannot ..... further information about the case the investigation officer said to the reporters or it will jeopardize the investigation?

  1. divulge

  2. discuss

  3. determine

  4. None of these