Assistant (BS-16) Agriculture Department, water Management wing

(81) . Complete the series: 2, 4,10, 28, ……?

  1. 64

  2. 70

  3. 76

  4. 82

(82) . 'Spratly Islands' in the South China Sea are disputed between China and:

  1. Vietnam

  2. Malaysia

  3. Philippines

  4. All of these

(83) . Vladimir Lenin translated into Russian the Marx and Engel's famous political work:

  1. I told you I was right

  2. The Communist Manifesto

  3. Correspondence between Man and Engel

  4. Marx on Indian Society

(84) . Fill in the blank. He went …… the direction of the post office.

  1. At

  2. In

  3. To

  4. Of

(85) . The longest International border in the world:

  1. USA-Canada

  2. Russia-Kazakhstan

  3. Argentina-Chile

  4. India-China

(86) . Pakistan is connected to Afghanistan via:

  1. Gomal Pass

  2. Tochi Pass

  3. Khyber Pass

  4. Khunjerab Pass

(87) . Which of the following International organizations has no formal structure?

  1. G-8

  2. G-20

  3. G-77

  4. D-8

(88) . 2 power 5 means:

  1. 2 x 5

  2. 2 + 5

  3. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 X 2

  4. 2 ÷ 5

(89) . The major language of world wide web is:

  1. HTML

  2. PHP

  3. ASP.NET

  4. Java

(90) . Physiotherapy deals with?

  1. Heart disease

  2. Immobility of joints and muscles

  3. Brain damage

  4. Drug addiction