Assistant (BS-16) Agriculture Department, water Management wing

(71) . Fill in the blank: Abdul grabbed the boy and rolled him on the ground to ....... the flames.

  1. Fizz out

  2. Smother

  3. Burn out

  4. Encourage

(72) . The term 'Horticulture' means study of:

  1. Gardens

  2. Insects

  3. Animals

  4. None of these

(73) . Complete the series: 1. 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, ......?

  1. 123

  2. 125

  3. 127

  4. 129

(74) . Light travels at …… miles per second?

  1. 186,000

  2. 140,000

  3. 120,000

  4. 136,000

(75) . Who was the founder of Khilji Dynasty?

  1. Alauddin Khilji

  2. Jalaluddin Khilji

  3. Rehmat Ullah Khilji

  4. Feroz Khan Khilji

(76) . The British sent Cripps Mission to India chiefly with a view to:

  1. Placate the Muslims

  2. Create divisions within the ranks of the Indian National Congress

  3. Secure the co-operation of the Indians in its war efforts

  4. To silence the opposition in the British Parliament

(77) . The beginning of the Mughal Empire is dated to the victory by Babar over:

  1. Usman Lodhi

  2. Ismail Lodhi

  3. Ibrahim Lodhi

  4. Bahlul Lodhi

(78) . "Adobe flash" is an example of:

  1. Spread sheet

  2. Multimedia software

  3. Utility software

  4. File manager

(79) . Photosynthesis in plants takes place faster in:

  1. Yellow light

  2. Red light

  3. Darkness

  4. White light

(80) . Bhikki Power Plant is located in District:

  1. Sheikhupura

  2. Sahiwal

  3. Hyderabad

  4. Badin